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Réflexion aussi sur le savoir-faire pro dont on peut se passer.
This edition, like many modern digital editions, is based on XML (eXtensible Markup Language) documents. XML is a standard for the creation of documents in which the document text is interspersed with ‘tags’, brief labels that describe the nature and properties of the text fragments that they surround. The Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) has proposed guidelines for the names and types of the tags to be employed in humanities texts
This is not a book. But it is: … an old-fashioned hypertext about writing for digital. … full of notes on digital as an artistic medium. … not a text that considers digital to be a remediation or dilution of other media. … a throwback to the days of the early web. … written by a couple of over-educated opinion-givers. The ‘I’ in this text could refer to either one of us. … over 40 000 words of observations you can easily ignore. … woefully incomplete and still in progress.
Mise à jour de ce billet qui a plus de deux ans maintenant et qui reste l'un des billets les plus lus sur le blog.
Grâce aux "mouchards numériques", il est désormais possible de savoir si un livre a été lu jusqu'au bout. Amazon, Apple, Google et Kobo en savent beaucoup plus sur vos habitudes de lecture que vous ne le pensiez...
"Des schémas de narration efficaces, suivant le format des scénarios des séries télé selon leur type (sitcom, mystère, soap opera, …) et offrant de multiples rebondissements dans un format attendu ;"
"6 - A book's deep metadata is worth more than the book itself 7 - Every dollar invested in deep metadata is worth a hundred dollars in future sales"