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TEI Publisher is a community effort based on ideas and contributions by TEI enthusiasts all over the world, licensed under the GPLv3. Initially inspired by the vision behind the TEI Processing Model - work of the late Sebastian Rahtz and other members of the TEI Simple project of 2015 - it continues to evolve into what you can see today. This is only possible thanks to contributions of developers, users and institutions having concrete publication projects and willing to employ Open Source first approach so the whole community can reuse and benefit from their work.
TEI Publisher is not a commercial project. We strongly believe in Open Source, standards and reusability. The TEI Processing Model and TEI Publisher are a major step towards true interoperability, reusablity and sustainability. To further promote these goals and build a strong community, a number of smaller and larger edition projects, cultural heritage institutions and single researchers came together in May 2020 to found e-editiones.org, which now hosts the TEI Publisher source code and coordinates its development.